Setting up Cast

Need Cast without the plugin system?

If so you can use our pre-built self-containing binaries for macOS and Linux at

1. Get Node.js

You can get Node.js via your favourite package manager.


Node.js 6.0+

We require Node.js 6.0 or higher as we make use of ES6 features. Debian-based distributions can get this via If you are unable to get this version on your system remove "node6" from .babelrc.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

If you're a Windows or Mac user, you can get it on

2. Get Cast

The recommended way to get Cast's source code is by cloning our Git repository.

git clone

If you are unable to do so, you can also download Cast with a ZIP file.

3. Configure Cast

Before you can use Cast, you need to create a configuration file for it.

An example configuration file is provided in the repository. Simply copy config.json.example to config.json. Open it in your favourite text editor and edit the details as needed.

As suggested by the name, the configuration file must be valid JSON. More about this can be found under Configuring Cast.

4. Install the dependencies

Just open your terminal, go to the folder where Cast is and type npm install when you use Cast for the first time. This will fetch all required dependencies.

cd Cast
npm install

When that is done, you can start Cast with node server.js (or nodejs server.js if you didn't install the nodejs-legacy package).